Why thaiangelinvest (tokens Issued in Waves Platform) ?


1.Waves platform is  TOP3 Decentralized Exchange (DEX) in the world.

Decentralized exchanges (DEX) play an increasingly big roll in the cryptocurrency world, fixing the trust and security issues that have always been associated with third party services like cryptocurrency exchanges. Given the initial crypto ethos of decentralization, traditional exchanges have become the single point of failure that the creation of blockchain technology itself aimed to fix.

Thanks to the ingenuity and hard work of the cryptocurrency development community, we now have tools to trade cryptos in the same way we send and receive them: Without the need to trust or rely on any middlemen. Decentralized exchanges do not require the user to entrust their funds to a third party, thus fixing the problem associated with hacks, scams, and bankruptcy.

Although decentralized exchanges are a fairly new concept, there are multiple alternatives out there, so it’s important to choose the best DEX crypto can offer. We have compiled a list of five decentralized exchanges that are both safe and convenient. Take a look at our picks and let us know if we missed any! (this list is not organized in any specific order)

more info : https://www.cryptocompare.com/exchanges/guides/top-5-best-cryptocurrency-decentralized-exchanges-dex/

2. Waves Platform Profile & News https://wavesplatform.com/company


Waves Smart Contracts | Live Q&A Session With Sasha Ivanov | 19.09.18

3. Easy to trade Using Mobile application (You can download now) 

We are very excited to announce a long-awaited update of the Waves Mobile app! Deposit, store and withdraw your crypto securely, trade your assets on DEX, lease your WAVES — all the most popular features of the desktop client are now available right on your smartphone! Download the new mobile app now:App Store — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id123…Google Play — https://play.google.com/store/apps/de…

4. Volume Trade Last update 10/12/2018 (Waves ) DEX


5. How to trade thaiangelinvest (token) 

thaiangelinvest (asset) transaction & explorer click see link below 


Trade in Waves platform (DEX) . But now waiting Buy/sell ( Next time we update info to you) . Thanks for interest (thaiangelinvest token team)

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