ด่วน! นักลงทุนไทย สนใจลงทุนในธุรกิจดังต่อไปนี้ เม็ดเงินลงทุน 1M-500M

Consumer Goods, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, Medical Research & Pharmaceutical products , Oil & Gas , Innovative Info-Techs, Education & Entertainments , Agribusiness and Manufacturing Industries.

We have the financial capacity to make direct investments ranging from $1 million to $500 million per company across the capital structure with the ability to increase investment sizes on business projects that are considered profitable.

We are fully focused to investing in companies with the potentials for strong growth.

We are committed to investing in companies that typically possess: 1.Proven business models; 2.High growth market potential; 3.Profitability or ability to quickly reach profitability after funding; 4.Strong and motivated management or the ability to institute such strong team. 5.Capacity to generate significant free cash flow for reinvestment or shareholder return.





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